Michael Jackson - Speechless無言
 這些天不可否認因電影THIS IS IT讓我情不自禁把以前買的專輯重溫往日美夢 ;MJ在世最後錄製個人專輯出於2001年10月,專輯名稱是 INVINCIBLE(萬夫莫敵),其中一首speechless無言讓我聽了更加懷念,這是MJ近期一首我最愛的歌在此和大家分享。影片資料取自:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtpGUcieFGk歌詞介紹&英文原詞中文翻譯取自:http://blog.xuite.net/yangshulie/MichaelJackson/20350792/ 音樂創作 /  
Written and composed by Michael JacksonProduced by Michael Jackson / 詞曲發行 / Released Album「Invincible」, October 30, 2001. / 幕後故事 /  “只 要有Michael,一切都是傑出的,”錄音工程師Bruce Swedien在專輯發行前說道,“但是有一首完全精彩絕倫的音樂《Speechless》,則簡直稱得上一件盛事。Michael在開頭八小節裏清唱, 結尾也是清唱——加入清唱段落,是Michael的主意!”"Everything with Michael is a stand-out moment," said engineer Bruce Swedien, prior to the release of Invincible, "but an absolutely gorgeous piece of music called Speechless was really an event. Michael sings the first eight bars a cappella. At the end, he closes it off a cappella - it was Michael's idea to add the a cappella parts."   2001年10月26日,在他與歌迷網上聊天時,他說這首歌是"萬夫莫敵"專輯裏他最喜歡的三首歌之一(另外兩首分別為"Unbreakable"、"Lost Child")。It is one of three tracks Michael chose as his personal favourites from the album, during his online chat with fans on 26th October 2001. / 感想後記 / SPEECHLESS,據MJ本人在2001-2002受訪皆表示,這首歌是獻給全世界的兒童。“你 們可能會覺得驚訝。當時我在德國和一群孩子們一起,我們剛剛大打了一場水球仗”,Michael說道,“玩完遊戲後,我是那麼的高興,所以我趕緊跑到他們 的樓上寫下了《Speechless》。是這場遊戲給了我靈感。我不想這麼說,因為這首歌是一首浪漫的情歌,但確實是因為一場水球仗啟發了我的靈感。我很 高興,我就在那寫下了整首歌。我覺得它夠好,能夠選入專輯。從極樂中,來臨的是魔力、奇跡和創意。”<<摘自Vibe 公開採訪 2002>>"MJ: You'll be surprised. I was with these kids in Germany, and we had a big water-balloon fight - I'm serious - and I was so happy after the fight that I ran upstairs in their house and wrote "Speechless". Fun inspires me. I hate to say that, because it's such a romantic song. But it was the fight that did it. I was happy, and I wrote it in it's entirety right there. I felt it would be good enough for the album. Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment, and creativity.("Online Interview  2001") / 歌詞內容 / Speachless 無言  Your love is magical, that's how I feel  你的愛是如此的不可思議,這就是給我的感覺 But I have not the words here to explain  我豈能用言辭去形容 Gone is the grace for expressions of passion  迷戀是對激情優雅的表述 But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain  但我還有無數的方式去描述 To tell you how I feel  向你表達我的感受  But I am speechless, speechless 可我卻像失了聲一樣,啞口無言 That's how you make me feel  這就是你給我的感覺 Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real  可遇不可及,美得不真實 When I'm with you I am lost for words, I don't know what to say  與你相聚時我呆啞,不知該說些什麼 My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray  腦筋好比旋轉木馬般轉?轉?,我於是默默祈禱 Helpless and hopeless, that's how I feel inside  無助與絕望,這是我內心的感受 Nothing's real, but all is possible if God is on my side  一切就像虛幻,可如果是得到了上帝的寵倖,一切皆有可能 When I'm with you I am in the light where I cannot be found  和你一起時我仿佛消失在你的光芒中 It's as though I am standing in the place called Hallowed Ground  我仿佛站在一片叫做聖土的地方  Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel  無言,啞口無言,那就是你給我的感覺  Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real  可遇不可及,美得不真實 I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face  我願踏足任何土地、付出一切僅僅為了觸摸你的臉頰 There's no mountain high I cannot climb  沒有我無法攀登的高峰 I'm humbled in your grace  在你的光芒裏我是如此渺小  Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel  無言,啞口無言,那就是你給我的感覺 Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real  與你相聚時我呆啞,不知該說些什麼  Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel  無言,啞口無言,那就是你給我的感覺 Though I'm with you I am far away, and nothing is for real  可遇不可及,美得不真實  Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel  無言,啞口無言,那就是你給我的感覺 Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real  可遇不可及,美得不真實 Speechless 無言  Your love is magical, that's how I feel  你的愛是如此的不可思議,這就是給我的感覺 But in your presence I am lost for words  可你一出現我卻梗塞了,說不出話來 Words like,"I love you"  比如:“我愛你



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